
The Therapeutics philosophy is based on the belief that the individual should have a strong desire to be drug free. The majority of Therapeutics clients are struggling to maintain typical lifestyles, which include strong family support mechanisms and gainful employment.

  • Renew – to establish a strong sense of commitment to the principle of a refreshed approach to life.
  • Revive – to bring back from a depressed, inactive, or unused state in to renew the mind.
  • Restore – to give back the relationships and the mode of life that was lost.
Therapeutics uses a proprietary approach that encompasses six elements:
  • Analytical Foundation – establish a strong sense of the psychological and physical well being of the client by relying on statistical mapping.
  • Four Period Recovery Plan – clients select a recovery plan that motivates adherence. Recovery plan periods range from 6 months to 3 years.
  • Employment Enhancement – an active upward employment program will be utilized, whereby clients will be continuously introduced to job outreach.
  • Performance Tracking – progress tracking to encourage adherence to program goals.
  • Diet/Wellness Planning – nutrition and planning are a formal part of the recovery plan.
  • Individual and Family Counseling – group counseling sessions that include peers and family members.